Adjustable or Fixed plastic seals ?

Fixed seals offer the same features as adjustable seals, but it’s impossible to control the length of the tie. Among other things, they’re used to secure bins that require attaching two seals of identical lengths. They’re also resistant and very easy to install.

As their name suggests, adjustable seals are adjustable according to the product they seal. They generally consist of a notched tie that lets you adjust the length depending on the application. These seals come in different colours and often feature a personalizable strip. They’re also quite easy to install.

Fixed plastic seals

Used mostly in the food and transportation industry.
These seals exist in different colors and are customizable.

Adjustable plastic seals

As well used in the field of petrochemical as transport.
These seals are available in different colors and often have a customizable strip.

Check out all our plastic security seals !

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