The Different Types of Tamper Evident Seals and Their Advantages
Tamper evident seals are mechanisms that make it possible to ensure the tracking of goods, in particular by verifying that they haven’t been damaged or that their containers haven’t been harmed, opened, or contaminated. There are different types of tamper evident seals; here are the most common ones.
Plastic seals
If you want to purchase plastic seals, you can choose from adjustable or fixed seals. As their name suggests, adjustable seals are adjustable according to the product they seal. They generally consist of a notched tie that lets you adjust the length depending on the application. These seals come in different colours and often feature a personalizable strip on which you can place a product name, a date, or even a barcode for tracking purposes. They’re also quite easy to install.
Fixed seals offer the same features as adjustable seals, but it’s impossible to control the length of the tie. Among other things, they’re used to secure bins that require attaching two seals of identical lengths. They’re also resistant and very easy to install.
Adhesive tapes and labels
Used by professionals as well as individuals, adhesive tapes and labels are devices that are sensitive to openings: they tear if manipulated. A box or package sealed with an adhesive tape or label therefore won’t be inviolable, but the person who receives it will be able to tell at a glance whether or not it was opened during transport.
You can also use this material when moving or going on a trip to seal a suitcase, boxes, etc.
Metal seals
Metal seals are usually non-preformed cables that fray when cut. They have many benefits, such as security, versatility, and strength. Unlike plastic seals, they’re not only intended to discourage malicious people; they also make it possible to secure the contents of the item in transit, since they’re very hard to destroy or cut. These seals are particularly useful for sealing bags of bulk products, for example.
There are many kinds of locks. Some are very simple: they consist of a wire clasp and a plastic body. They can sometimes be reused, especially if they haven’t been personalized with a barcode or information inscribed on them. Other locks, meanwhile, are outfitted with high-performance security systems.
Bolts are obstacles intended to secure high-value goods. They consist of a solid steel bolt that attaches to a moulded plastic covering. Bolts are therefore made up of two parts: male and female.
All these seals offer different advantages. As a general rule, the higher the value of the contents to be protected, the stronger the seal is. This applies to physical merchandise; on the other hand, certain seals will simply dissuade curious or malicious people from opening an envelope or a package, for example. Seals therefore have several functions: they make it possible to secure goods, guarantee their confidentiality, seal them, and sometimes even ensure their tracking through a labelling and/or barcode system.
Do you want to use seals in your company but don’t know which type to choose? Don’t hesitate to ask a professional in this sector for advice. They can help you select the right material for your business. Each seal has its own unique features, so making the right choice means avoiding the constraints and achieving the best results.